Bet365, a popular online betting platform, recently introduced a new and exciting feature - a wide selection of online slots. ⚾️ However, the platform is already well-known for its sports betting offerings and promotions. One such promotion is the "0-0 Money ⚾️ Back" offer, where if a football match finishes with a 0-0 scoreline, players can receive a refund on their losing ⚾️ bets.
How does Bet365's "0-0 Money Back" Offer Work?
The "0-0 Money Back" offer applies to bets placed on correct score, half-time/full-time ⚾️ and scorecast markets. If a match ends with a 0-0 scoreline, losing bets on these markets will be refunded to ⚾️ players' accounts. Bets placed using a player's real money will be refunded to their real money balance, while bets placed ⚾️ using bonus credit will be refunded as bonus credit.
When is the "0-0 Money Back" Offer Applicable?
It's important to note that ⚾️ the "0-0 Money Back" offer isn't available for all matches or markets. It is currently offered on select matches and ⚾️ markets, so it's important to read the terms and conditions carefully before placing a bet. Additionally, the offer is not ⚾️ available for parlays (accumulators) or other combinations of wagers.
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