Trees within the order Fagales possess particularly potent allergens, e.g. the prototypical Bet v 1, the major white birch (Betula 2️⃣ verrucosa - now called B. pendula) pollen antigen. Bet v 1 is the main cause of type I allergies observed 2️⃣ in early spring. Type I, or immunoglobulin E-mediated (IgE-mediated) allergies affect 1 in 5 people in Europe and North America. 2️⃣ Commonly observed symptoms are hay fever, dermatitis, asthma and, in severe cases, anaphylactic shock. First contact with these allergens results 2️⃣ in sensitisation; subsequent contact produces a cross-linking reaction of IgE on mast cells and concomitant release of histamine. The inevitable 2️⃣ symptoms of an allergic reaction ensue.
Categorization [ edit ]
A nomenclature system has been established for antigens (allergens) that cause IgE-mediated 2️⃣ atopic allergies in humans.[2] This nomenclature system is defined by a designation that is composed of the first three letters 2️⃣ of the genus; a space; the first letter of the species name; a space and an Arabic number. In the 2️⃣ event that two species names have identical designations, they are discriminated from one another by adding one or more letters 2️⃣ (as necessary) to each species designation.
The allergens in this family include allergens with the following designations: Bet v 1, Dau 2️⃣ c 1, and Pru a 1. Other proteins belonging to this family include the major pollen allergens:
Structure [ edit ]
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